RiverTracks was first inspired by the successful BackTrack program in Armidale. The program is motivated by a desire to meet the needs of the many young people falling through the net of existing services and community supports, and a concern for the alarming rate of suicide, incarceration and mental health issues experienced by our young people.
By bringing the youth sector and the broader community together in the Tweed Valley region we have developed a program to support at-risk young people in our community to thrive.
Our aim is to provide a service and support that is person-centred in its approach, able to meet each young person where they are at, identifying and meeting their specific needs to enable them to thrive. The program, in collaboration with local businesses and community services, is centred around a connection to the land and animals, engaging young people in work that is ‘fun’ and rewarding, whilst also providing opportunities for social connection.
If you know any young men in their teens who have accessible transport to Murwillumbah that would benefit from the program please call us on 0493 206 791 for more information.
RiverTracks offers a lifeline to struggling young people by reconnecting them back to the community and practical learning to help them find employment and life-changing opportunities that create pathways for a better future.
RiverTracks was first inspired by the successful BackTrack program based in Armidale has been established by a group of Tweed Valley youth workers and community members. Our program complements the work of our wonderful local existing youth services by offering an ongoing program to young people who are disengaging or are already completely disengaged in schooling. We are motivated by a desire to meet the needs of the many young people falling through the net of existing services, and a concern for the alarming rate of suicide, incarceration and mental health issues experienced by our young people. RiverTracks offers a life-line by helping them build skills that will lead them towards employment and achieving their life goals. Our program runs Monday and Tuesday with young girls and boys in the Murwillumbah area aged 12 and over.
Through the program participants get to develop employability and trade skills but also get to connect to animals and receive opportunities to give back to and feel part of the community. The program runs school hours and through the school term but also offers occasional weekend activity opportunities and trips away through both the term and school holidays. The program partners with businesses, community organisations, farmers, tradies and training providers and will focus on building trust and working relationships with the participants to develop the program further.